Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Super Natural Post

zane is a meanie he shouldn't go to the moon at all.
well anyways now that ive said that ahh i think ghost's are real they are the spirits of the dead. even tough i havent seen one i think it would be cool to see one; but i think id be too scared so maybe i would just cry haha or i dont know

The Moon Post

Many people say the moon is made out of cheese; personally i would like to live on the moon. according to zane the moon is a giant "rock" WRONG! it is not a giant rock the moon is a big round 3d circle and at night it shine pretty and bright! sometimes on full moons it will change colors to like an orange. the moon is like the night light to the earth!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Bloggin Post

ehhh bloggin is okay. not the best but then again not the worst. i guess what i am trying to say is that it is decent. altough i do enjoy being in integrated class with everyone that i can say is pimp statuz :))

Book Recomendation Post

I really like the book My Bloody Life, by Reymundo Sanchez. His story of his life is amazing the way he describes it is unreal. I have friends that are in the gang world but never have i heard or read something like this. The events that happened here in Chicago are crazy never did I imagine something like this happen here, the things hes been through seem real as can be. Altough I haven't read the second book named Once a King Always A king, ive been told that in this book he just cowards out. That is the point of his second book he walks aways from all the bad but for some reason ends up falling back. As he metions him self in his book Once A King Always A King. So I recomend this book for you guys to read or just check it out sometime.

Holy Jeez

so today as I was making my way to room 2 i saw zane and r jay so i asked them if they were done with all of the blog topics we gotta blog about, they had no clue what i was talking about. They then began to ask me if i was okay since of course they had no idea of what i was talking about i then showed them the board. Next thing we know i see zane sitting on his computer like a good kid bloggin away.

Heroes Post

Heroes are something important to have because when your young you need someone to look up to. When people say that they don't have a hero I think they are lying, just because everyone needs so someone to rely on. Personally that's what I think.

Upcoming Movie Post

"Just Wright" revolves around a sports trainer who finds herself falling in love with a professional basketball player while rehabilitating him from a career threatening injury. Things are further complicated because her closest friend is also pursuing him. Movie was released May 14, 2010 , it was rated 5/10 PG.
I think this is kind of the typical high school drama that girls have over some boy.