Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Super Natural Post

zane is a meanie he shouldn't go to the moon at all.
well anyways now that ive said that ahh i think ghost's are real they are the spirits of the dead. even tough i havent seen one i think it would be cool to see one; but i think id be too scared so maybe i would just cry haha or i dont know

The Moon Post

Many people say the moon is made out of cheese; personally i would like to live on the moon. according to zane the moon is a giant "rock" WRONG! it is not a giant rock the moon is a big round 3d circle and at night it shine pretty and bright! sometimes on full moons it will change colors to like an orange. the moon is like the night light to the earth!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Bloggin Post

ehhh bloggin is okay. not the best but then again not the worst. i guess what i am trying to say is that it is decent. altough i do enjoy being in integrated class with everyone that i can say is pimp statuz :))

Book Recomendation Post

I really like the book My Bloody Life, by Reymundo Sanchez. His story of his life is amazing the way he describes it is unreal. I have friends that are in the gang world but never have i heard or read something like this. The events that happened here in Chicago are crazy never did I imagine something like this happen here, the things hes been through seem real as can be. Altough I haven't read the second book named Once a King Always A king, ive been told that in this book he just cowards out. That is the point of his second book he walks aways from all the bad but for some reason ends up falling back. As he metions him self in his book Once A King Always A King. So I recomend this book for you guys to read or just check it out sometime.

Holy Jeez

so today as I was making my way to room 2 i saw zane and r jay so i asked them if they were done with all of the blog topics we gotta blog about, they had no clue what i was talking about. They then began to ask me if i was okay since of course they had no idea of what i was talking about i then showed them the board. Next thing we know i see zane sitting on his computer like a good kid bloggin away.

Heroes Post

Heroes are something important to have because when your young you need someone to look up to. When people say that they don't have a hero I think they are lying, just because everyone needs so someone to rely on. Personally that's what I think.

Upcoming Movie Post

"Just Wright" revolves around a sports trainer who finds herself falling in love with a professional basketball player while rehabilitating him from a career threatening injury. Things are further complicated because her closest friend is also pursuing him. Movie was released May 14, 2010 , it was rated 5/10 PG.
I think this is kind of the typical high school drama that girls have over some boy.

Dugout Song Post

Mike Posner - Cooler Than Me
Check It Out :)


What Is Truth? Post

Truth is ---> We live in a small town ; Everyone talk's ; Everyone Listen's ; At the end the truth is always Missing.

Hawks Post

I like Mike Bibby from the Atlanta Hawks in the NBA. He was drafted in 1998 and he was the second pick in the first round he was drafted by the Vancouver Grizzlies. Averaging 16.6 ppg, Brother-in-law is Celtics guard Eddie House .

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dj Name Post

Dj RttRiiPPlEDiiZZlE
this would be my dj name just because its a name i was given by my sister in law &" i like it alot ")
bow chicka wow wow !?";

Cause Important to Me Post

Global Warming
Bad, Bad, Bad :/
i think this world would be a much better place if only everyone would take their part & help out. everyone just needs to stop and think for just one minute out of their day to see & listen to what we are doing to our world. we need to save our world before its too late.

Advice For Pet Owners

i think having pets is pimp statuz. i love pets especially a sha pei dog such as my friend chilli pepper :)) how what a ctuiie photutiie. animals are supposed to be taken care of and shown much much love. i wish i could have a horse or a monkey as a pet but we cant :(( thats why we have a zoo to go see our friendly animals :)) oh before i forget i also love polar bears their cool :))

American Idol Post

i think american idol is a straight show. i really dont see it that often only when theres some one i really like or ive been told about it :) i rather see gangland or something other than just to see people sing on a stage &" not be famouse yet!

Child Hood Hero Post

My Child Hood Hero Is Spider Man.
Ya Diiqq ?!? ")

Friday, May 21, 2010

Top 10 List Of What I Wanna Learn Post

The Things I Wanna Learn
1. What does it take to be in the U.S military?
2. How is a house built?
3. How does our brain function?
4. How can the brain be damaged to be put on life support?
5. Can someone ever wake up from a comma?
6. How does a comma occur?
7. After being stabbed do our organs stil function the same way?
8. What are th affects of drinking?
9. What is the weakest part of the body?
10. Does our body really grow every single day?

Summer Plan Post

This summer I plan to go to mexico to my mothers side which is Los Sauces , Guerrero. Ive been to my mothers before but that was when I was younger and i dont remember much that is why I want to go back and see all my family oce again. Recently I lost one of my uncles due to Dieabietes so I wannt to go visit everyone and just to see how everyones doing. I also may want to go to New York, I only want to go there to shop at this shos store that is known world wide.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Top Ten List Post

My Top Ten List :))
1. Adventures in Baby Sitting
2. My Bloody Life
3. Basketball , Soccer
4. Shoes
6. Quality Family Time
7. Drawing
8. Ipod
9. Driving
10. Tattoos/Piercings

Chipotle Post

Value Meal At McDonalds $5.89
Value Meal At Chipotle $10.24
People would spend less money at McDonalds because its "fats food", unlike Chipotle just a little it more healthier for you. Chipotle fisrt sponsered by McDonalds then sold back to its original owner Steve Ell's. Unlike McDonals company's Steve actually keeps the animals feee on open campus he keeps the animals happy, not rammed with 15 other pigs stressed, scared, and uncomfortable. As told in class no people rather spend just a little bit more at chipotle and than McDonalds. At chipotle they even have the napkins recylced from the wraps of food, they prepare your food right in front of you. Everything there in fresh, you see the chefs in the kitchen everything so clean so propery used. Other places prepare your food in the back. persinally I think very secretive about it. Why wouldnt people pay a little more for a healthier meal instead of stuffing their face with "fast food" that was most likely poorlly made.

Health Post

It has been said that the all the plastic bags here on earth will soon reshape our children. Every single plastic bag out there has some sort of chemicals that can affect humans. Plastic's chemicals co-travel and will soon make their way into out urine, saliva, semen or even breast milk. One on five human pregnancies will end in miscarriages half of which are due to chromosomal abnormalities. Back in the 1940's when plastic's were being made no one ever would suspect of the chemicals in the plastic and now a days it is a huge concern, with our economy bad this is just another topic ready to talk about. In a 134 boys aged fro 2 months to 30 months, found that sons whose mothers had higher levels of certain phthalates in their urine had a shorter distance between the anus and their genital parts. This happens to the women who work or live in places where thy don't get the correct kind of ventilation. Long term affects do apply to people affected by this.